Chris John, WBA featherweight super champion, who will have a well deserved bvacation/b and will be back in action during the first part of 2010. Celestino Caballero, IBF/WBA Champion at 122, who is tentatively scheduled to unify with ... bNeufel/b Ben Rabbah got equal treatment to that of Sergio ?Maravilla? Martinez in the robbery of the century in the State of Florida. Both bouts were a travesty for boxing. This does not normally happen in Florida but I was the lucky one to ...
die digitale tonbearbeitung erfolgte mit pro tools. den chefarzt spricht paul bneufels/b, die ärztin spricht gustav d. kemter. das ausgangsmaterial besaß leider mehrere ruckler, die tonspur sitzt nicht perfekt. trotzalledem eine schöne übung.